
Student Housing Space Saving Facilities

The demand of students going for higher studies in metro cities are growing day by day. The demand for colleges and universities in metro cities like Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata are also increasing day by day and so the accommodation. Moving away from home is tough. And the selection of accommodation can make it even more difficult. It can have a profound effect on both their success at college and their mental health and well being. There are so many things that influence the selection that students make. For example, university managed versus private accommodation, location and availability of an en suite. Student demand is polarizing. Some are seeking premium accommodation in flats with perhaps a great view as standard, whilst others, more cash strapped, are looking for the bare minimum. The rapid growth in purpose-built or custom built student accommodation in recent years hasn’t helped the situation. Although the overall provision of student housing available has increased thes

Celebrate in Your Home- Post Covid Install Space Saving Furniture

No Need to book expensive Hotels Celebrate in your Home- Post Covid Install Space Saving Furniture and Get ample Space in your Living Rooms. Convert your Living Rooms into Party Place. Know How!! Space is a constraint that is beginning to hit us these days. With an ever rising population, the demand for Space is only bound to increase with time. In this blog we feature some intelligent Space Saving Furniture that would be Ideal for Small Space Living Rooms. Social distancing is so important to prevent the spread of COVID-19. As a result, it is important to cancel gatherings and parties for important occasions and events. It can be hard to deal with the emotional response when you cancel these events as they are often related to some of life's most exciting milestones. Here are some of Our ideas and recommendations on how to celebrate these events without exposing yourself, or your loved ones, to infection.                                                                   

Live-Work Concept

Co-Working space in India is estimated to reach a valuation of USD 2.2 Billion by 2022. There are over 850 co-working spaces in India at this point and this number will increase in the next few years. But, a recent trend shows that a growing number of Indian realty developers preferring to stay away from building co-working spaces or are hesitant to turn their existing properties into co-working space. Are you also thinking in the same line? If so, this blog will be an eye opener for you. The Live-Work idea is actually an old idea that has been modernized today to meet the needs of Entrepreneurs, Startups, Small Businesses, and Professionals. A Live-Work is a Space that combines your Work-space with your Living Rooms. Modern Live-Work concepts range from minimalist to luxurious. It also going to help you in future when your space will become "Multi-Utility"and thereby giving you the advantage of leasing it as a "Value-Added-Property" to co-working space as well a

Eco-Friendly Space Saving Furniture

Furniture has always been an important part of the home improvement. With the boom in residential property purchases and the increased desire among homeowners for a well-set-up house and stylish interior, the furniture category is performing quite well. Increased per capita income of middle class is boosting the Indian home furniture market. The growth in the infrastructure sectors, like real estate and tourism, is also responsible for the increased demand for commercial furniture in India. WFH !! Work From Home! I hope that what we are practicing is physical distancing and not social distancing. In fact, we are more connected with each other now through social media platforms.  Covid19 will also create a new normal of Anywhere work.   So Ourownfurniture blog talks about Eco -friendly space saving sustainable furniture for you!!! WFH-Space Saving options: 1. If you don't want a big work from home furniture, then you can have a small horizontal wall bed+stu