Live-Work Concept

Co-Working space in India is estimated to reach a valuation of USD 2.2 Billion by 2022. There are over 850 co-working spaces in India at this point and this number will increase in the next few years. But, a recent trend shows that a growing number of Indian realty developers preferring to stay away from building co-working spaces or are hesitant to turn their existing properties into co-working space. Are you also thinking in the same line? If so, this blog will be an eye opener for you.

The Live-Work idea is actually an old idea that has been modernized today to meet the needs of Entrepreneurs, Startups, Small Businesses, and Professionals. A Live-Work is a Space that combines your Work-space with your Living Rooms. Modern Live-Work concepts range from minimalist to luxurious. It also going to help you in future when your space will become "Multi-Utility"and thereby giving you the advantage of leasing it as a "Value-Added-Property" to co-working space as well as on demand lodging companies.

In the major metros, the limited availability of the land at mind boggling cost has prompted all real estate developers to cut down on the apartment sizes to make them cost effective and affordable.
The Future of Living where you Work and Working where you Live. The world is changing and so the India.


  1. Interesting inputs on co working spaces. Good article.

    1. Thanks Raj but it is not about Co-Working space it is about Space Saving Furniture and The Live-Work Concept. In today's Work From Home environment everyone is working from home or doing Businesses from home. My article is for those who doesn't have enough space and living or working in compact space. Please read again and comment.

  2. Awesome idea ....!!! Very much usefull .. in this compact apt your idea bloom towards new innovation

  3. Nice Article Sir ..
    Idea Helpful for Startups smallbusinesses in Tier1 and Tier 2 cities where cost of living and Offices running cost Very high for a entrepreneur.

  4. Interesting points covered in your article..keep it up.

  5. Future work place , Good read 👌

  6. Nice initiative and need forfuture


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